I’d like to first inform you that I’m a student. Yes, I’m running a BSC Degree for Business Administration in Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU). And yes, I make money as a student both online and offline and that’s exactly what I want to teach you right here today. With the advent of technology, making money has never been this easy and you must ensure that you’re not left out. Numerous students in diverse higher institutions all over Nigeria and the world at large are still nurturing the conventional mentality of studying to get good grades, graduate with flying colors and then get a very good job. Well, if we were still in the 19th century, I’d have said that it should be the dream of every student but we’re not, so it shouldn’t.  

I’m sure you’ve heard stories of 21st century entrepreneurs who achieved their greatness right from their dormitories in school. Talk of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs to mention but a few. I don’t know what your plan for your future is but I’m quite sure you’re planning to be financially independent. You cannot simply achieve this by nurturing the mentality of graduating with good grades to get a better job unless you have a guaranteed job waiting for you out there.  That of course is possible if your family is well to do but it’s not always so.

I’d have loved to brief you more on while you should start making money right now as a student but I’m sure by now, you’d have had a glimpse of where I’m heading to. So, let me stop the intro right here and just go straight to the point on;


I’ll start with online business ventures that you can venture into with just a laptop and internet connection and just a little capital.


Make money on Fiverr.com
I want to write about this website first because I personally make money there. I’ll quickly brief you on this website the way I best understand it. Fiverr.com is a market place where buying and selling takes place. On Fiverr, you can either sell a product or render a service. Fiverr has been my major source of income for the past few months, and I can assure that there is money there. I render writing services there and sell some products and it has been going quite well. To find out how to join Fiverr and make good cash, contact me or join Fiverr Marketing Forum on Facebook.

Make money with bulk SMS
Bulk SMS business is a very lucrative business that you can easily start. With just a small capital, you can get an expert to help you set up your bulk SMS website at the cheapest rate ever. As a student, you can start this business and market it to churches, schools and even politicians around you. There is money in bulk SMS and if you don’t know how to go about it, contact me or indicate your interest and I’ll write a detailed article on it.

Make money with blogging
I’m a blogger, of course you already know that. And yes, I make money from blogging. A blog does not require huge capital to start, as a matter of fact; I didn’t even have a PC when I started blogging. I started my first blog with a Nokia 2700 classic mobile phone and later redesigned it with a PC so have no excuse. If you want to go into blogging, but don’t know how to go about it, contact me for some free eBooks and tips on how to start a successful blog.

Start information Marketing
This is simply an art of selling information products online. It’s mainly compiled as an eBook and you can sell it at a price that is worth the content. The eBook mainly teaches people what they don’t know how to do and how best to do it and achieve a specific result. I’ve eBooks that will teach you the practical steps on how to start this business. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the most lucrative online businesses.

Make money on Seoclerks and Soloadmarketplace
These are job boards similar to Fiverr. But the major difference between them and Fiverr is that you can render your services at your desired rate. You can go through the websites to find out how they function and if you have any questions, you can easily forward them to me.


Make money with printing and photocopies
This is currently the only offline work that I engage in. It’s very lucrative but requires a little capital to start up. The capital you need to start this business is mainly for the purchase of equipment such as a printer, a laptop and a small generator. Most students that already have laptop and generator in their possession can easily start this business. You don’t necessarily need a shop to start this business once you live in a room. Your room can be your office. I currently use my room as my office to do photocopy and printing for my fellow students. I’m very close to class reps. and course reps. So, I help them to do their printing and photocopy works especially photocopying of materials and lecture notes.

Make money by selling clothes
I’ve some years of experience in selling clothes and I can assure you that it’s very lucrative. As a student, you’re expected to start it in small scale since your fellow students are your major targets. They are your market, so you’ve to sell the types of clothes they want to them. There is a lot to know about selling clothes as a student and it’ll take me a totally different post dedicated on it to give you the full detail. So, if you’re interested in this particular business and wish to start it right there in your hostel or lodge, then indicate your interest by contacting me so that I can publish a post on it to put you through.

Play Musical Instruments
Right now, I’m learning my best instrument which is keyboard. No, not to start playing to earn money, I just love it and have no intention to play it to earn bucks. But I know guys in school that play for campus fellowships and nearby churches that are paid to do so. The beauty of it is that you don’t need any capital if you have a friend that can teach you the instrument you want to learn. If you want to succeed as an instrumentalist, then, learn to play the one that you’ve passion for.
Organize Tutorials and Lessons
There are numerous tutorial centers in each campus here in Nigeria and your school has one. You can go there and apply to tutor on a course that you have knowledge of or start your own. Yes, start your own. Right there in your room, you can organize tutorials for your course mates. It’s no more news that people pay to learn what they don’t know, so you’ve to charge a reasonable amount for your services.  Contact me for more tips if you want to venture into this.

Start mini-importation business
This business is a mixture of offline and online but if you want to venture into it as a student; you’ve more of offline work to do. It involves purchasing goods online from foreign websites at a cheaper rate and then selling them at a higher rate to your fellow students. But before you venture into this business, you have to learn how to go about it. I’ve some eBooks that will put you through, so if you’re interested, contact me and I’ll forward them to you.

There are numerous other online and offline businesses that you venture into as a student right here in Nigeria. You can survey your school environment as a business minded person and come up with businesses that are likely to flourish in that area. If you want to venture into any of the businesses that I’ve shared with you above, then indicate your interest by using the comment box below or by simply contacting me personally.

I’ll like to hear what you think about these businesses and would also love to know other business that students can venture into that I did not include below. Drop your comments below and please share this post with your friends and contacts. Thanks.

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